22fda1de22 to meet We'll at able you airport. be the score; you understand much Can Japanese? score; since talk been old. he was to able one year Jake's score .... WORKSHEET UNIT 1. VOCABULARY. 1 Match the words to make education phrases be. ___a____ a) on time for class. 1- study ______ b) a presentation.. www.perfect-english-grammar.com. Modals of Ability Exercise 1. Put in 'can' / 'can't' / 'could' / 'couldn't'. If none is possible, use 'be able to' in the correct tense:.. ABILITY CAN, COULD & BE ABLE TO. When we say that somebody or something has or doesn·t have the ability to do something, we can use can(or cannot)→ .... 7 Feb 2011 ... Here's a refresher lesson on two modal verbs and 'be able to', which functions as one. Lesson by Caroline Devane .... 11 Oct 2011 ... Well, I won't be able to do it until tomorrow – I've got to work on that ... Modal verbs (can, could, may, might, should, must, would, will and shall) are different from other verbs. ...... 1 Caroline must to do more exercise. 2 Do you .... You can also use BE ABLE TO to describe an ability in the present or future. ... You use either COULD or WAS/WERE ABLE TO to describe a general ability in the ... ANSWERS. Exercise 1 : - 1) couldn't // can't. - 2) could. Exercise 4 : - 1) could.. INFINITIVE PRESENT PAST. PAST PARTICIPLE to be able to can couldанаhad the ability to been able to. She could play the violin when she was three.. Modals of Ability 1 - Can, Could, Be able to, May, Might. Choose the best modal for each sentence. Click on the box beside the best answer. Show one at a time.. Other English exercises on the same topic: Modals [Change theme]. > Similar ... English exercise "Can , could , be able to" created by lili73 with The test builder. can do it any time you want, like being able to read or speak a language. When we ... Past ability. General ability. I could read when I was four. was/were able to ... NOW GO TO THE NEXT PAGE AND COMPLETE THE PRACTICE EXERCISE .... can (and sometimes be able to) – natural or learned ability. - could, couldn't, was able – general ability in the past. - was able to / managed to, couldn't (but not .... can, could, to be able to, Auxiliaries, Modals in English, Exercises.. 1 Read the things Sandy could and couldn't do when he was ten. Write sentences ... 4 I could / was able to answer all the questions in the exam. 5 I didn't have .... alliance@alliance.edu.co. Can, Could and To Be Able To Exercise at Auto-English. Circle the correct answer. Fill the gaps when you´ve checked your answers.. Can, could, be able to – ability and possibility. English grammar exercises. Intermediate grammar exercises. Modal verbs.. Six exercises for practicing can, could, will be able to. Key is included. Thank you!! CAN, CAN or BE ABLE TO, CAN or COULD, Modals, Ability, Reading, .... Utilizar los verbos modales can, could y be able to en situaciones formales e informales de ... In this exercise you have to complete the sentence with could …. Other English exercises on the same topic: Modals [Change theme]. > Similar tests: ... English exercise "Could and was able to" created by anonyme with The test builder · Click here to see the current ... do some gardening. 6. I. was able to .... Can could vs be able to, was / were able to grammar explanations, example sentences and exercises.
Can, Could And To Be Able To Exercise.pdf
Updated: Mar 21, 2020